Recent rains are bringing up fall mushrooms. Here are a few to be on the lookout for.
Sarcodon imbricatus. Spores are produced on small teeth.
Suillus lakei. Very common under Douglas-fir.
Tremella aurantia, Witch’s Butter. Notice it is sharing the log with a small bracket fungus, Stereum. It is parasitizing the Stereum which will be completely digested.
Phaeolus schwinetzii, Dyer’s Polypore. It is used to dye yarn yellow.
Panaeolus semiovatus. Don’t forget to check out old cow pies.
Lycoperdon perlatum, Gemmed Puffball.
Coltricia perennis. It is a small, leathery polypore.
Calbovista subsculpta. Look in grassy areas for this common puffball.
Amanita species. With the yellow showing under the universal veil warts, this could be A. gemmata.