Job Opportunity: Conservation and Policy Consultant
The BC Nature Conservation Coordinator is offering a paid position to promote the importance of conservation and protected areas in the Kamloops area. Questions can be directed to Kephra Beckett ( Local conservation and policy consultant Temporary Part Time Contract Position BC Nature is hiring a local conservation & policy consultant, beginning in April 2023. This position is based in Kamloops. Position concept The consultant will work with the BC Nature Conservation Coordinator to communicate with local nature clubs and municipal staff in the Kamloops/Okanagan region about the municipal protected … Continue reading →
Unravelling Ocean Noise: Fish Sounds, Noise Pollution, and Managing Soundscapes
Presentation by Dr. Kieran Cox Date: March 16, 2023 Time: 7:00 pm Place: Presentation and meeting on Zoom only. There will be no meeting at the Heritage House this month. Go to this link to register and receive the Zoom link. Did you know that many types of fish make noise? Until recently, most people might have thought they were silent. Now, an international group that includes researchers from the University of Victoria, the University of Florida, Universidade de São Paulo, and the Marine Environmental Research Infrastructure for Data Integration … Continue reading →
January 2023 Sage Whispers
Nature Canada’s Nature Bus Is Coming to Town
We hope that a lot of people can join us at Riverside Park on November 27 from 1:00-3:00. Nature Canada’s NatureBus will be coming to town to gather letters of support prior to the Nature COP 15 biodiversity conference to be held in Montreal in December. We want to showcase Canadians’ support for preserving biodiversity and critical habitat. Here is an example of a letter. Make your own and change it if you want to. Bring it with you and have your voice be heard. If you are not able … Continue reading →