Ralph Ritcey Big Bird Day 2024 Results
On Sunday, May 26, 16 birders for Team North and 14 for Team South participated in the annual Ralph Ritcey Big Bird Day. This is a fun and friendly competition beginning at midnight and ending at 4:00 pm. Home birders are welcome to record bird species at their feeders.
At 5:00 we gathered at the home of Anne and Bruce Ritcey for a bring-your-own dinner and to talley the results. There are no prizes, only the bragging rights going to the winning team. The boundaries are a 50 km radius from Mount Dufferin Tower with the South Thompson and Thompson Rivers as the dividing line.
The results were: Team North 125 species, Team South 138 species. Total species recorded were 149.
Big thank you with much appreciation go to Teresa Corboy for organizing the event and teams, the Ritcey family for hosting the tally, and all of the participants. Special thanks to Glenn Dreger and Teresa Corboy for allowing use of their photos from the day.

Hairy Woodpecker_Teresa Corboy

Cori Dixon and Liam Canterac_Teresa Corboy

Snipe_Teresa Corboy

Western Tanager_Teresa Corboy