Sandhill Cranes: The Voices of Spring
Contributed by Trudy Frisk with an introduction by Margaret Graham
All photos by Rick Howie
With the arrival of spring, it won’t be long before the Sandhill Cranes start their migration from their wintering grounds in the south and stop briefly in the Kamloops area for a rest as they head for their breeding grounds further north. The annual sandhill crane migration through B.C.’s Interior is one of the oldest in North America. Much information for the article comes from the International Crane Foundation and from wildlife biologist Rick Howie, long-time member of the Kamloops Naturalist Club. In the last paragraph, Rick summarizes the ecological significance of this crane migration.
“Sandhill Cranes, The Voices of Spring”, written by KNC member Trudy Frisk, was originally published in May 2003, in Cowboy Life an on-line magazine for which she wrote one article a month from 2000 to 2013. Currently, she writes for the Kamloops Connector and Beef in B.C. Trudy has belonged to the Kamloops Naturalist Club for nearly 50 years, since Karen McLaren recruited her soon after the Club was formed. After she followed Rick Howie on a winter “owling” expedition to Paul Lake, then joined an autumn star-gazing group led by Muriel McLaren along the Logan Lake Road, there was no turning back.
Get your binoculars ready and tune up your hearing as you watch and listen for the arrival of these magnificent birds!
Spring is a subtle process in the dry grasslands of B.C.’s interior. A week of warmth may be followed by chill snow. Slowly aspen and willow leaves open into pale green halos. Under the sage brush, buttercups and fritillaries hide modestly among last year’s grasses. Tentatively, ducks, robins, meadowlarks, and mountain blue birds return to the ponds and ponderosa pines. March and April are months of turbulent winds. One day, from the blustery air comes a clear, lilting musical call. The sand-hill cranes are flying north. Now, it’s truly spring.
George Archibald, co-founder of the International Crane Foundation, believes the sandhill’s voice is the loveliest of all crane calls. As the great flocks soar overhead following the retreating winter northward, they constantly ‘talk’ among themselves. Their continual low, melodious chatter is audible even when, rarely, they fly at night. They’re especially vocal when ‘kettling up,’ circling to gain altitude, sometimes up to 200 feet at once, on rising thermals along cliff faces and over hills.
“Every land where they appear”, writes Peter Matthiessen, “has tales and myths about the cranes, which, since ancient times, have represented longevity and good fortune, harmony and fidelity. The cranes are the greatest of the flying birds and, the most stirring, because the horn notes of their voices, like clarion calls out of the farthest skies, summon our attention to our own swift passage on this precious earth. Perhaps more than another living creature, they evoke the retreating wilderness, the vanishing horizons of clean water, earth and air upon which their species and ours ultimately depend for survival.”
“The sandhill” Matthiessen continues, “commonly travels a mile above the earth and can soar higher, to at least 20 thousand feet. That cranes may journey at such altitudes, disappearing from the sight of earthbound mortals, may account for their near-sacred place in the earliest legends of the world as messengers and harbingers of highest heaven.”
Sandhill cranes are, indeed, birds of mystery and wonder. In Wyoming, 9-million-year-old fossils of sandhill cranes have been found. The fossil birds are identical to the cranes gliding over the B.C. grasslands today. Fossils indicate that sandhill cranes have inhabited Nebraska for 10 million years. In fact, crane remains have been found in Nebraska Eocene sediments from 55 million years ago. They are the most ancient of birds, the oldest living bird species on earth.
Scientists believe the species has survived, notes Nebraska wild-life photographer Michael Forsberg, because of its highly complex social behaviour, long term care for its young, innate wariness, and social adaptability.
Sandhill cranes may live for 33 years. They have elaborate courtship rituals and most mate for life. Both parents incubate the nest and care for the young. But, there’s much more to crane culture than fidelity and good parenting. Cranes use camouflage. At least, that’s how scientists interpret the returning cranes daubing their feathers with wet, decaying marsh vegetation and mud on their flight north. North American sandhills ‘paint’ their already dun-coloured feathers. But, other cranes do this too, to a lesser degree. Perhaps, thinks Matthiessen, for them self-adornment may be “no more than a ritual, a vestigial trait of some ancestral crane.”
And sandhill cranes dance! Jumping, bowing, stick-tossing, arching their long necks, they cavort exuberantly. Dancing is often part of courtship and mating rituals, but scientists speculate it may also foster socialization within the group or relieve tension. Myself, I think cranes dance for sheer joy.
Sandhills, says wildlife biologist Rick Howie, are very traditional birds, returning in a ritualized fashion to their favourite stopping places, sometimes setting down within 50 metres of the same patch of ground where they landed on former migrations. No wonder these birds have so much to say to each other!
The majority of North American sandhill cranes migrate from their wintering grounds in Texas and Mexico, up the central flyway, stopping on Nebraska’s famed Platte River, before dispersing to nesting sites across the Canadian, Alaskan and Siberian Arctic.
The cranes flying over the Thompson and Cariboo grasslands are a different group, the Pacific Flyway Population, numbering approximately 25,000. Long separated, perhaps by glaciers, from their prairie cousins, these cranes winter in the Central Valley of California and nest as far north as the Cook Inlet and Bristol Bay regions of Alaska.
We still have much to learn about crane migration. No one knows the social connections which decide the size and membership of a group of travelling cranes, or even all the factors which trigger individual migration times. Nutrition, health, daylight, all play a part. In early March cranes become restless. From the second week of March through the end of April, in staggered departures, groups as small as 15 and as large as 100 leave their winter quarters along the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. At the Harney Valley in Oregon, the Pothole Reservoir and Banks Lake in Washington, the large birds halt for days to feed, gathering strength for the long trip ahead.
Following the same invisible path as generations before them, they stream across the Canadian border, through the South Okanagan, to Kamloops, over the Cariboo Plateau, past Williams Lake and Prince George. There they turn north west, towards the coast, out over Smithers, Hazelton and Stewart towards Alaska where the majority will nest. They spend at least 5 days travelling through B.C.
Migrating cranes are a speedy lot. They can fly up to 80 km an hour, more with a good tail wind, and cover 600-800 kilometres in a single day. No bird knows more about wind. They are good, safe pilots. If the weather is against them, they will settle down to wait it out. When flying, they cleverly circle to get the best updrafts. Every maneuver is accompanied by long, lyrical calls.
Even the strongest birds must rest. Fortunately for the cranes, B.C.’s grasslands and marshes offer critical stop-over points. Here, on the large ranches and Crown Land reserves, they can set down and relax, undisturbed, to gather strength for the next leg of migration. At such times, food may be less essential to them than quiet spots to regroup and replenish energy. Birds of habit, the cranes use the same rest stops each migration. Landing points such as Chapperon Lake and Green Lake, regularly used both spring and fall, must be important to them, says Rick Howie. Disturbance and the stress of having to seek new rest sites, if any exist, might have a serious impact on their ability to finish the migration.
“Thousands of sandhill cranes fly over B.C. every spring and fall” note naturalists Richard and Sydney Cannings,” but, because they prefer to nest in remote marshes and bogs, we simply don’t know how many nest here. Although we have a general idea of their breeding range, we really don’t know in detail where they nest either. All these questions are important ones.”
What is known is that, as the great flocks sweep northward in spring, over the dry valleys of the Okanagan, dotted with their glacial remnant lakes, the meandering streams and low marshes of the Cariboo Plateau, and the deep valleys and moist shrub grasslands of the Peace River Parklands, all along the way pairs of migrating cranes leave the flights for their own private nests. Some of the thousands which use the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary on Haida Gwaii as a stopping point to Alaska, decide to stay, nesting in Naikoon Provincial Park.
The majority proceed to nest and breed in solitary locations in Alaska. In September they gather along the coast to feed and plan the return journey. Not all leave at once. Again, nutritional readiness, times of nesting and hatching, length of daylight, all seem to affect departure times. Young birds fly south with their parents and the family winters together. Next spring the young will migrate on their own. One guided trip over the route is all they need.
The autumn trip is shorter than that in spring because cranes aren’t waiting for ice and snow to melt. In mid-September their bugling call warns of winter’s approach. Sandhill crane voices signal the beginning and end of summer on the grasslands.
On April 13, 2003, a friend and I counted 1,500 cranes flying over Kamloops Lake. In early evening that same day Rick Howie counted 750 sandhills resting in a field in the Nicola Valley south of here. There must have been others we both missed. Over 2,250 sandhill cranes were observed making one of the oldest natural pilgrimages in North America.
Why, I asked Rick, are cranes important? He thought for a minute. “They’re a sign that things are well in the world. Lots of cranes are an indicator that the big cycles are stable. Cranes are messengers from the North and South, an important reminder that we’re just part of a connected system.”
Listen for their call.
I think these are my very favourite bird. They mark the coming of spring and the leaving of summer. As they fly over, their calls remind me of cats purring in the sky. I hear them long before I see them and their “kettling” down to land is a magical display. Thank you for this article, Trudy and Rick.
Wonderful article! I have a copy of your poem Cycles on my fridge and I read it often, thank you Trudy!
A wonderful article. I remember when Billie Heys (former member) and I crawled on our bellies to watch around two hundred Sandhills Cranes dancing one spring day on Big Meadow near Chapperon Lake on the Douglas Lake Ranch where I was living…brings back great memories. One year Rick Howie led a few members of the club, with me as guide, on a hike between English Bridge and the Home ranch where we spotted GHO’s, several heronries, and Bobolinks among many other species..was a most delightful day and was thankful to spend time with Rick and the group….this would have been in the 80’s
How nice to hear from you Dianne. It has been a long time since we last saw each other. Our trip on the ranch was a wonderful experience. Rick
Yes…it was a real highlight for me…so good to hear from you
A wonderful article and amazing photos! Thank you, Trudy and Rick! We usually have 3 Sandhill Cranes visit each year, always a thrill. The first time I ever heard them, I had no idea of what the sound was; somehow it was echoing, giving the sound of an enormous rusty gate-hinge! I didn’t even know it was coming from a bird!