Snow Goose Walkabout
Many of you will be aware that we have had 2 immature Snow Geese consorting with Canada Geese at Riverside Park this past winter. Like their larger, darker compatriots, the Snowies like to graze on grasses which have been available until recent snow bouts have covered up much of the potential grazing habitat.
Today (Feb. 25, 2019) I was at the rail crossing at 2nd and Lansdowne streets in Kamloops when these young Snow Geese came wandering up from the park in search of something to snack on. They seemed oblivious of traffic, which fortunately was light, but I am not sure how they would have handled the train which passed by a few minutes later. The birds wandered across the tracks and then out into the street before deciding that there was not much to graze on. After a few leisurely moments of looking around, they turned back towards the park.
I have to see that I was initially quite surprised to see them in such a barren habitat until I looked down to the park and realized that they must be scrambling for food about now. I don’t know if they will accompany the Canada Geese when they gather on the shore to take advantage of handouts from park visitors. They will eat seeds and grain, but need to eat frequently as food passes through their digestive system in about an hour.
There were certainly slim pickin’s on the asphalt and not even any serious grit to aid their gizzards in grinding up whatever foods they are finding.