White-Crowned Sparrows are Back
One arrived on Tuesday and a few more today, feeding on the sunflower seeds under my feeder in Barnhartvale. A number of years ago hundreds arrived and ate everything. Freshly emerged peas in the garden were devoured. A week later the mob moved on and I replanted.
For a short article on White-crowned Sparrow migration in the Okanagan, see my blog for 1 May. Google Chrissiddleokbirder.
could you provide a link, perhaps? Thanks in advance.
The link is: http://chrissiddleokbirder.blogspot.ca/
Chris, your blog is excellent! Great resource. I will direct people to it in a Note. Thanks for the comment.
Yes, I’ve been hearing them singing for a few days now, Rick. Not as numerous (yet) as in recent years …
Does anyone know where these transients come from and where they go when they move on?