Neighbourhood Walk in Juniper Ridge

Juniper Ridge 3076 Simmilikameen Place, Kamloops, BC, Canada

The Kamloops Naturalist Club is offering a series of neighbourhood walks this spring for club members who wish to visit natural areas close to the city. Our first scheduled event is a hike on Saturday April 12, following bike trails through a scenic wooded area between Juniper Ridge and Barnhartvale. The trail will take us into dry grassland, Douglas fir forest with an understory of pine grass, and a moist gully with Douglas maple and Saskatoon. There are two options – an out-and-back trail to a scenic overlook (total time Continue reading →

Clean the Beach

Riverside Park

Come out and join us for the Kamloops Clean the Beach on April 13.  The club will have a booth in Riverside Park. 

April General Meeting

Heritage House Riverside Park, Canada

April 17: Catherine Tarasoff: The Battle with Reed Canary Grass at Tranquille Pond

Lac du Bois Garbage Cleanup

This is our annual cleanup day in collaboration with the City, Parks, and a number of other clubs.  April 19, details on location and timing to follow. 

Neighbourhood Walk in Valleyiew


Hike Leader is Alan Vyse. We can meet at the junction of Sunset Lane and Valleyview Drive.

May General Meeting

Heritage House Riverside Park, Canada

May 15: Scott Boswel (OCCP), Danielle Toperczer (TNCC) and Michael Bezener (OCCP/TNCC) Linking the Okanagan and Thompson-Nicola Watersheds through Collaborative Habitat Connectivity.